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Landscape Genomics Group

​Welcome! The Landscape Genomics Group at Nord University aims to understand local adaptation and adaptive potential in natural, human-disturbed and exploited populations. To do so, we study the evolutionary ecology and population genetics of various organisms across large and ecologically diverse landscapes. The results help us to determine how organisms persist, adapt to different environments, and diversify.



Brunner FS, Deere JA, Egas M, Eizaguirre CE & Raeymaekers JAM (2019). The diversity of eco-evolutionary dynamics: comparing the feedbacks between ecology and evolution across scales. Functional Ecology 33, 7-12.

Govaert L, Fronhofer EA, Lion S, Eizaguirre CE, Bonte D, Egas M, Hendry AP, Martins AB, Melián CJ, Raeymaekers JAM, Ratikainen II, Saether B-E, Schweitzer JA & Matthews B (2019). Eco-evolutionary feedbacks - theoretical models and perspectives. Functional Ecology 33, 13-30.

De Keyzer ELR, De Corte Z, Van Steenberge M, Raeymaekers JAM, Calboli FCF, Kmentová N, Mulimbwa N, Virgilio M, Vangestel C, Mulungula PM, Volckaert FAM & Vanhove MPM (2019). First genomic study on Lake Tanganyika sprat Stolothrissa tanganicae: a lack of population structure calls for integrated management of this important fisheries target species. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19, 6.

De León LF, Sharpe DMT, Gotanda K, Raeymaekers JAM, Chaves JA, Hendry AP & Podos J (2019). Urbanization erodes niche segregation in Darwin's finches. Evolutionary Applications.

Meyer B, Hablützel PI, Roose AK, Hofmann MJ, Salzburger W & Raeymaekers JAM (2018). Linking parasites, trophic ecology, morphology and immunogenetics in the Lake Tanganyika cichlid radiation. Hydrobiologia.

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