By Leona Milec.
In August 2018, Joost and I joined the organisation of an intensive 10-day summer school at the Centre de Recherche (CRH) in Uvira, DR Congo, with over 30 participants gathering from several regional institutes.
We taught a diverse array of broadly applicable topics; from scientific writing, literature search and how to avoid predatory journals, to statistics, phylogenetics, morphometry, fisheries science and interviewing techniques. Throughout the workshops, the participants presented and received individual feedback on their projects. Teachers and participants also worked together on a social survey among fishermen, merchants, and policy makers to assess their opinion on the fisheries practices on Lake Tanganyika. The resulting paper will be led by Els De Keyzer, and will be co-authored by all workshop participants and further strengthen the North-South collaboration of the sustainable fisheries project.
The workshop was funded by VLIR-UOS, co-organised by our Belgian and Congolese partners, and logistically supported by the CRH, Uvira. More information about the sustainable fisheries project can be found here and on Researchgate.